Nemo PDF to Word is a powerful but free tool to help us to convert PDF to Word with a few simple clicks. Even beginners who don't have much computer knowledge can easily manage it.
Install the tool.
Download the free Nemo PDF to Word from the official website and install it.
Import the files.
After installation, double click the icon on the desktop and open the tool. Click "Add Files" to add the wanted files into the tool or simply drag the files into the tool.
- As the tool supports batch conversion, you could add several files at one time by holding and pressing the "CTRL" key.
Personally specify the output path as per your need. And click the "Settings" button for more details. As the tool also supports partial conversion, you can specify which pages to convert.
Click "Convert" button to convert files. The converting time totally depends on the file size and quantity.
Open the converted files.
After conversion, there will be a popup window that appears and shows you the conversion results. You can directly open the converted files by clicking the "Open File" button.
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